I figured it might be cool to save this. Maybe I can extract some info from here an turn it into a good article.
The goal was to get his baseline proper. I don’t think any girl is going to like a guy that doesn’t take care of himself. Girls like guys that are tough of both body and mind, and this kid was trapped. I think if he does all the shit I recommend he’ll become harder as a man and will eventually get his head out of his ass regarding females. No respectable girl will bang him in his current condition, but I don’t think it will take long for him to break out of it. I like to think of it like a maslow’s hierarchy of sexual interaction. He can’t get better, until he ditches the oneitis. It is a giant roadblack.
1:07 PM <@physt> IT is very profitable but it is also a giant trap for dudes. It’s about as far from being a medieval warlord as you can get.
1:07 PM <@physt> so your masculinity dwindles down to an effiminate gay frog level.
1:07 PM <womz2004> the first thing u gotta do is stop being a cuck at work, start there and move to friends, then to females
1:07 PM <taiino> Nigga what @alpharabbit
1:07 PM ← womz2004 (webchat@ was kicked by @physt: I’m talking here nigga damn
1:07 PM <jotenko> lolol
1:08 PM <alpharabbit> not fat, but girls who are curvy in the classical sense turn me on
1:08 PM <Abattoir> lol
1:08 PM <penumbra> lol who was that guy, what shit advice
1:08 PM <@physt> Abattoir: OK so the first thing we have to do is add some struggle into your life.
1:08 PM <alpharabbit> but like i said maybe its because i havent really had a taste of the GOOD shit yet
1:08 PM <@physt> real men struggle, fake as weak bitches have pampered western IT lives.
1:08 PM Channel mode set to +m by @Q
1:08 PM <@Anteros> ok
1:08 PM <@physt> anteros++
1:08 PM <@TRPbot> anteros’s karma is now 198
1:08 PM → womz2004 joined • mode: +Abattoir (voiced)
1:09 PM <@physt> flipping the switch of death
1:09 PM ↔ taiino nipped out
1:09 PM <@Anteros> only voiced/op users can speak now
1:09 PM <+Abattoir> I don`t understand what that means…
1:09 PM <@Anteros> we’ll remove this shortly
1:09 PM <@physt> Abattoir: So right now do you do any sort of physical activity?
1:10 PM <+Abattoir> I go for walks sometimes but no sports or gym or anything like that
1:11 PM <@physt> ok so all the recommendations I’m going to make to you are a part of changing your daily “system”.
1:11 PM <@physt> and step 1 is we need to up your physical activity
1:11 PM <@physt> EVERY DAY
1:11 PM <@physt> and I recommend you go to the gym.
1:11 PM <@physt> This is not to build muscle or anything. It’s to struggle and suffer
1:11 PM → eroksan joined (~er0ks4n@eroksan.users.quakenet.org)
1:12 PM <@physt> So after we are done talking, locate a gym close to you and get a membership.
1:12 PM <@physt> I don’t care what program you do, as long as it is every single day.
1:12 PM <+Abattoir> Yeah that makes sense. WHat doesn`t kill you makes you stronger etc right?
1:12 PM <@physt> ok step 2. let’s talk about your fatness levels. How fat are you?
1:13 PM <+Abattoir> quite skinny actually, believe it or not
1:13 PM <@physt> I do believe it, that’s great.
1:14 PM <+Abattoir> ^_^
1:14 PM <@physt> But I want you to change your diet so that you are experiencing more hunger. I want you to eat one meal per day, at approximately the same time each day.
1:14 PM <@physt> weather that is lunch or dinner depends on your career actually.
1:14 PM <+Abattoir> How big a meal?
1:14 PM <@physt> If it is important to have lunch with your coworkers as part of job advancement then do lunch. If it isn’t then do dinner.
1:15 PM <@physt> just 1 normal sized meal like you would normally have. Do not concern yourself with carbs or calories or anything. And when you are full, stop eating.
1:15 PM <@physt> don’t seek out any specific foods. Just eat what a normal human would.
1:15 PM <+Abattoir> Well, okay. How does all this suffering help me get better with women though?
1:16 PM <@physt> first learn stand, then learn fly
1:17 PM <@physt> ok so regarding the gym and your diet. Those 2 must be adhered to every single day, period. No “cheat days” or any bullshit like that. No “rest days” either. Every single day you spend at least 1 hour at the gym.
1:17 PM <@physt> I don’t care what you do, but the harder it is, the better it will be for you. Never miss a day
1:17 PM Channel mode set to +c by @Q
1:17 PM <@physt> ok next. How much sleep do you get each night?
1:18 PM <+Abattoir> 5 hours, give or take.
1:18 PM ↔ virt popped in
1:19 PM <@physt> ok I want you to get the same amount of sleep each night. Pick a bed time and stick to it like clockwork.
1:19 PM <@physt> no matter what, I want you in bed with your eyes closed at the same time each night
1:19 PM <@physt> you pick the time.
1:20 PM <+Abattoir> Well okay. I find it kind of difficult to fall asleep a lot of the time bt I`ll try!
1:20 PM <@physt> Let’s talk about a couple tips for falling asleep.
1:20 PM <@physt> sleepgainz?
1:21 PM <@physt> our buddy wrote a good article on this. But it boils down to a couple things in my mind.
1:21 PM <@physt> 1. Ditch all the blue lights an hour before bed time. Weather that is with glasses or just by removing it in general.
1:21 PM <@physt> 2. Ditch all stimulants in the evening.
1:21 PM <@physt> 3. Doing hard ass work in the gym to burn off your excessive energy.
1:22 PM <@physt> 4. This leads into my next bit.
1:22 PM <+Abattoir> I`ll keep those in mind
1:22 PM <@physt> Ok so since you are going to be changing up your entire life here, you are going to be stressing yourself out.
1:23 PM <@physt> So what I want you to do is setup a google calendar and put all your time in it. If you decide to do gym in the morning, put it on your calendar. If you decide the evening put it at the time you plan to go.
1:23 PM ⇐ womz2004 quit (webchat@ Signed off
1:23 PM <@physt> Put your meal on the calendar
1:23 PM <@physt> put your work on the calendar and your bedtime, and the 1 hour before bedtime that you ditch the blue light.
1:23 PM <@physt> you can even use your work calendar that has your IT shit on it.
1:24 PM <+Abattoir> This seems like a lot of work…
1:24 PM <@physt> just so long as that calendar chirps at you when you need to do something.
1:24 PM <@physt> nah it’ll take you 5 minutes
1:24 PM <@physt> just set it up to repeat each day
1:24 PM <@physt> use google calendar or something like that.
1:24 PM <@physt> recurring events or whatever they are called
1:25 PM <@physt> ok let’s talk about your video games. I want you playing video games in a different way now.
1:25 PM <+Abattoir> WHat do you mean?
1:26 PM <@physt> each night I want you playing video games for exactly 1 hour, and 20 minutes. No more, no less.
1:26 PM <@physt> and never during the 1 hour before bedtime
1:26 PM <@physt> exactly 1 hour and 20 minutes.
1:26 PM <@physt> what game are you playing?
1:27 PM <+Abattoir> it varies tbh. been enjoying Sonic Mania lately
1:27 PM <@physt> 1 sec.
1:27 PM <@physt> ok excellent that is a great game for this.
1:28 PM <@physt> ok so play the game like this:
1:28 PM <@physt> make sure you are starting at exactly the time on your calendar you have allocated for this. I want you to play the holy shit out of that game. I want you so fucking good at this game that you amaze people.
1:29 PM <@physt> and I want you to play up until the very second 1 hour 20 minutes is over.
1:29 PM <@physt> and I want you ONLY playing that sonic game. NO OTHERS.
1:29 PM <@physt> and you need to play it with zero distractions. Shut off your phone. no extra music or anything else.
1:30 PM <@physt> ok so let’s do a quick recap. Calendar, 1 meal per day, gym every single day, sleep same time each night, no blue light 1 hour before sleep.
1:31 PM <@physt> you crystal clear with all that?
1:31 PM <+Abattoir> Yeah, that seems reaosnable
1:31 PM <+Abattoir> WHy no blue light specifically though?
1:32 PM <@physt> blue light tricks your body into thinking it’s still daytime, so it is harder to fall asleep.
1:32 PM <+Abattoir> Oh, clever.
1:32 PM <@physt> yeah buddy, we’re smart like that up in here.
1:32 PM <+Abattoir> maybe I should look at red light instead haha
1:32 PM <@physt> sleepglasses?
1:33 PM <@physt> those actually work very very well at blocking blue light.
1:33 PM <@physt> ok so you got all that stuff.
1:33 PM <@physt> and you are starting as soon as possible. Tonight even.
1:33 PM → Xagan joined (webchat@host86-155-173-208.range86-155.btcentralplus.com)
1:33 PM <@physt> SO… now that you ahve all this information
1:34 PM <@physt> Let’s tlak about girls
1:34 PM <@physt> ah yes, those strange wondrous creatures
1:34 PM <@physt> well, they aren’t strange or wondrous or anything. They are just girls.
1:35 PM <+Abattoir> Haha. I`d be lying if I said I understood them
1:35 PM <@physt> well you are in the right place, because we all understand them pretty damned well.
1:35 PM <+Abattoir> They seem pretty wonderous to me..
1:35 PM ⇐ Xagan quit (webchat@host86-155-173-208.range86-155.btcentralplus.com) Signed off
1:35 PM <@physt> and the first thing that weirds them out is when you think of them as strange wondrous creatures.
1:35 PM → Xagan joined (webchat@host86-155-173-208.range86-155.btcentralplus.com)
1:36 PM <@physt> from now on they are just meat bags like you and me, except they don’t have as much upperbody strength.
1:36 PM <+Abattoir> That seems a little reductive…
1:36 PM <@physt> holy shit, you ARE paying attention
1:36 PM <@physt> GOOOOOOOOD
1:37 PM <@physt> it is intentionally reductive so you don’t shoot yourself in the damned foot
1:37 PM <+Abattoir> Was that a test?
1:38 PM <+Abattoir> I guess you`re right. I mean, women are people. No one gets anywhere by treating another person like garbage, right?
1:38 PM <@physt> Here’s the problem with your thinking on women. You thinking that girls are wondrous creatures yaddda yadda, entitles them to you without them having done a shred of anything to deserve you.
1:38 PM <@physt> you are a cool guy, why on earth should they simply deserve you by existing?
1:39 PM <+Abattoir> Well that`s not really how I think in fairness
1:39 PM <@physt> I dunno man, you are “crushing on someone” right now right?
1:40 PM <+Abattoir> Well yeah but idk it`s not a completely empty crush. We`re friends – not super close, but friends – and I really like her personality.
1:41 PM <@physt> ok so you will need to get that nonsense out of your brain as soon as possible.
1:41 PM <@physt> and here is how you are going to do it.
1:41 PM <@physt> Here is your last daily activity.
1:41 PM <@physt> it’s a combo
1:41 PM <+Abattoir> wait why is that nonsense
1:42 PM <@physt> you are focusing on a girl that doesn’t like you at the expense of your whole life.
1:42 PM <@physt> and it has to stop now
1:42 PM <+Abattoir> How do you know she doesn`t like me?
1:42 PM <@physt> “not super close” <– If she liked you, you’d have banged already.
1:42 PM <@physt> she’s not interested
1:43 PM <@physt> there is nothing about you that makes her tingle in her lady parts
1:43 PM <+Abattoir> Well I don`t think that`s necessarily true, what if she feels the same but is too nervous to say anything as wel
1:43 PM <@physt> oh, it’s true
1:43 PM <+Abattoir> well*
1:43 PM <@physt> girls don’t have the same problems us guys do.
1:43 PM <@physt> they can fuck anyone they want.
1:44 PM <@physt> if that girl came up to you and said “hey Abattoir let’s go back to my place and make out” you’d fucking do it and you know it.
1:44 PM <+Abattoir> Maybe in a sense but isn`t that a bit of a generalisation?
1:44 PM <@physt> she wouldn’t have to say a damned thing besides that either
1:44 PM <+Abattoir> girls can experience being shy and nervous as well, no? They`re humans
1:44 PM <@physt> Abattoir: not like you can
1:44 PM <@physt> girls are a much much different animal
1:44 PM <@physt> SO… here is what you need to do
1:44 PM <+Abattoir> I don`t understand, I`m sorry.
1:45 PM <@physt> girls and boys are vastly different. Each one has their own issues and problems my friend.
1:45 PM <@physt> they seem to stop teaching that in the schools apparently.
1:45 PM <@physt> so anyways here is your final life change.
1:45 PM <@physt> It is 2 parts.
1:46 PM <@physt> 1. You will NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES talk to this girl unless she talks to you first.
1:46 PM <@physt> PERIOD
1:46 PM <@physt> This is critical
1:46 PM <@physt> and 2. You will talk to 5 female humans per day other than her.
1:46 PM <+Abattoir> But, I like talking to her.
1:46 PM <@physt> I’m not saying to hit on them, I’m not saying to strike out with them or whatever. Just have a short (or long) conversation about anything.
1:47 PM <+Abattoir> That just sounds like a dick move.
1:47 PM <@physt> your life depends on it
1:47 PM <+Abattoir> DOes it really though? I Won`t die if I talk to her
1:47 PM <@physt> ok let me paint a picture for you.
1:48 PM <@physt> You are focused on this girl and she doesn’t like you. You think she does, but you are wrong. So you neglect talking to other females. 5 years from now, you get up the courage to ask her out, she says no. You have lost 5 years of your life.
1:48 PM <@physt> Your life literally depends on this.
1:49 PM <+Abattoir> MAybe I should just ask her out now…
1:49 PM <+Abattoir> get it over with, even if she rejects me
1:49 PM <@physt> so I can sense everyone in channel listening to us getting enraged at the thought of “asking a girl out”
1:49 PM <+Abattoir> I`d be okay with just being friends.
1:50 PM <+Abattoir> THe closure is more important
1:50 PM <@physt> why?
1:50 PM <+Abattoir> Because the uncertainty would be maddening
1:50 PM <@physt> I can tell you for certain she doesn’t see you as a viable candidate for sex.
1:50 PM <@physt> there, now you don’t have to
1:50 PM <+Abattoir> how can you know that for sure
1:50 PM <+Abattoir> you don`t know her, you`re not in her head
1:51 PM <@physt> this is going to be really hard for you to come to terms with.
1:51 PM <@physt> and I get it
1:51 PM <@physt> you’ve pumped her up inside your head so high that the mere thought of her not liking you makes your own stomach hurt.
1:52 PM <+Abattoir> You`re generalising again, that`s not really the case.
1:52 PM <+Abattoir> YEah I`d be disappointed if she rejected me but you know, that`s life
1:52 PM <@physt> I’m right and deep down inside, you know it. You can attempt to argue with me about it all you like.
1:52 PM <+Abattoir> I can`t accept that. I know how I feel.
1:53 PM <@physt> I’ve advised you to never speak to this girl on purpose. This advice is critical to your well being. I am really fucking good at this, and you should take what I say very seriously.
1:53 PM <@physt> you are in this channel for a reason
1:53 PM <@physt> 1. Never speak to her on purpose. 2. Talk to 5 human females per day.
1:54 PM <+Abattoir> But you haven`t given me a reason as to why this will work, you`ve just told me to do it
1:54 PM <+Abattoir> I`m sorry I`m being difficult but it`s hard for me
1:55 PM <@physt> the reason is you are a fucking retard with oneitis for a girl. It’s making you really fucking stupid and offputting. Most men in here are disgusted by you. But i’m being kind and giving you advice so that you will fucking listen.
1:55 PM <@physt> because you definitely won’t listen if people just yell at you.
1:56 PM <@physt> if I unmute this channel right now these guys will tear your head off
1:56 PM <@physt> oneitis?
1:56 PM <@TRPbot> oneitis: https://youtu.be/uZeR-vxREvw When a guy has fallen in love with a woman in the same way a boy loves his mother. He obsesses about her, but she does not reciprocate. Love is a drug, and your dumbass got addicted to one supplier.
1:56 PM <+Abattoir> Well, why? I`m asking honest questions
1:56 PM <@physt> that is literally what you have
1:56 PM <@physt> and it is ruining you.
1:56 PM <+Abattoir> But… that`s not what I have? I don`t obsess over her
1:56 PM <@physt> you are in an IRC channel asking about her man.
1:56 PM <@physt> that in and of itself proves it
1:57 PM <+Abattoir> Well.. I guess that`s a fair point but how can I know she doesn`t reciprocate if I haven`t asked her about it?
1:57 PM <+Abattoir> WHy is manipulating her better than being honest?
1:57 PM <@physt> you aren’t manipulating anything. You are protecting yourself from yourself.
1:58 PM <@physt> in reality oneitis ruins men
1:58 PM <@physt> we normally advise people to break off all contact period.
1:58 PM <@physt> which is what I SHOULD advise you to do, but i’m guessing she is some kind of what coworker?
1:58 PM <@physt> friend of a friend?
1:59 PM <+Abattoir> I`m on a part time course at college and she`s a classmate.
2:01 PM <@physt> my advice stands. I’m going to unmute this channel and my god have mercy on your soul. If you do everything I’ve said for a month without missing a single day, we will be happy to provide further tweaks to your day.
2:01 PM <@physt> you are very far behind for your age. So I really suggest you take this all seriously.
2:01 PM <+Abattoir> Well, thank you for taking the time to help me. Sorry if I disrupted the chat..
2:01 PM <@physt> you’ve made the chat better actaully
2:01 PM <+Abattoir> THing is like, I don`t wanna lose her as a friend. I feel like if I ghost her that would be a dick move
2:02 PM <+Abattoir> And even beyond the crush thing I still think she`s a good person
2:02 PM <@physt> yep, you’re screwed